Research on Schools, Neighborhoods, and Communities: Toward Civic Responsibility
"This year’s Annual Meeting theme provides an intellectual space for scholarship focused on schools, neighborhoods, and communities. Examples of relevant research topics include, but are not limited to:
(1) higher education and community development
(2) education and social service partnerships
(3) community-based teacher education
(4) project-based learning in metropolitan settings
(5) juvenile justice and opportunity to learn
(6) fiscal policy and planning
(7) educational role of the professions (e.g., health, law, and engineering).
While in New York City, the AERA community will have an opportunity to explore research, historical writings, and moral arguments. An overarching purpose is to define, frame, contextualize, explain, and debate solutions to the ongoing challenge of linking research on schools, neighborhoods, and communities to matters of civic responsibility and capacity-building opportunities. Please consider participating in this important intellectual endeavor. "
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