A Refresher Day in Hospice Palliative Care for London, Middlesex
The London Palliative Care Committee
of special interest to family physicians, registered nurses, personal support workers, social workers, spiritual care providers, nurse practitioners, case managers, therapists, pharmacists, health care students
"Awakening the Senses...a Creative Response"
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
to be held at
Stoneridge Inn, London, Ontario
"Living Stories of Hope and Change"
Cheryl McLean is Founder and Publisher of CCAHTE Journal, the Canadian based international and interdisciplinary peer reviewed open access journal of The Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education, accessible to subscribers worldwide and leading universities, medical schools and health organizations. She is a frequent lecturer and presenter at universities and health conferences speaking about progressive developments in the creative arts in research, action and practice in health, training and education and teaches the course "Creative Responses to Death and Bereavement" at The University of Western Ontario.
website: http://www.cmclean.com/
"Your Tree, My Tree..a Way of Being Together"
Wanda Sawicki
Wanda has a passion for spirit-filled living which expresses itself in art making, storytelling, writing and walking pilgrimage. A visual artist, she has a Canadian exhibition record dating from 1977. As an Art Therapist, with thirteen years experience, Wanda enjoys facilitating creative therapeutic expression in individuals and groups. She specializes in areas of acculturation, life losses and change and spirituality.
"People and Plants: Engaging the Mind"
Marilyn Cox
Marilyn is a horticulturist with an appreciation for the social, spiritual, physical and emotional aspects of gardening. She trained as a horticultural technician then pursued a degree in Sociology accompanied by certificates in Thanatology and Horticultural Therapy. She operates a nursery north of London and is an assistant for the Bereavement Ontario Network.
As a volunteer with hospice and by working with bereavement groups she has witnessed first hand the healing capacity of nature and gardening projects. Marilyn is involved with a network of horticultural therapists and bereavement professionals and is continually learning about the successes and pitfalls of incorporating horticultural therapy into programs for the dying and bereaved.
Information and inquiries about this event contact:
Ann Sabine
519-668-2997 Ext. 1453