The theme for the upcoming issue of The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP, Issue 9, February 2011 will be "Expressing the Human Story" and will feature two contributors both eminent leaders in their respective fields who actively use the creative arts in research and practice.
Johnny Saldana, is Professor of Theatre at The School of Theatre and Film at Arizona State University and author of "Longitudinal Qualitative research: Analyzing Change Through Time," and "Ethnodrama: An Anthology of Reality Theatre," both published by AltaMira Press and "The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers," Sage as well as a new book in process, for Left Coast Press titled "Ethnotheatre: Research from Page to Stage." He is also an Advisory Board member for The International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP and was a contributor to the research book, "Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change," Detselig Temeron Press (2010).
Susan MacRae RN works as a clinical ethicist at The Centre for Clinical Ethics, a joint venture of Providence Healthcare, St. Joseph's Health Centre and St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, and was formerly The Deputy Director at the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics (JCB) MacRae also works as a transpersonal psychotherapist. She was also a contributor to the recently released text book "Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change."
Issue 9, February 2011 of the journal will be accessible at the website at and will be available to site visitors in early February. The issue will also feature new book reviews and recent updates and news from The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP.
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