"We need to value the artist practitioner as a professional and a critical force for change, a vital player, one to be consulted in the change process along with educators and researchers, city planners and scientists, healthcare professionals and others who care about improving the quality of life for our citizens and communities. Rather than tossing the arts out and slashing funding...in these challenging times, we need to hold fast to the arts and all that they offer and put them to work for the betterment of Canadians and our communities. We have never needed the arts in action for the health of our country more than we do today."
C.L. McLean, Publisher, Executive Editor
The International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP
Editor, Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice Research Series, Detselig Temeron Press

Research and Arts in Action for Community and Cultural Change
Cheryl L. McLean, Publisher of The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice (IJCAIP http://www.ijcaip.com) and Editor of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice research text series, Detselig Temeron Press, speaks about the vital role of the creative arts in research for transformative community change drawing on leading edged research and compelling and illustrative examples and stories of the creative arts working for hope and change in practice in communities in Canada and abroad.
May 10, 2011, Museum London 3:45 - 4:15
Quote from upcoming article by The Arts Health Network Canada BC. (in press)