Friday, July 15, 2011

A/r/tography Call for Papers

Visual Arts Research Special Issue on A/r/tography

(Deadline extended to October 21, 2011: early submissions encouraged)

Guest edited by Rita L. Irwin and Anita Sinner

Call for Submissions

To be engaged in the practice of a/r/tography means to inquire in the world through an ongoing process of art making in any art form and writing not separate or illustrative of each other but interconnected and woven through each other to create additional and/or enhanced meanings. A/r/tographical work are often rendered through the methodological concepts of contiguity, living inquiry, openings, metaphor/metonymy, reverberations and excess, which are enacted and presented/performed when a relational aesthetic inquiry condition is envisioned as embodied understandings and exchanges between art and text, and between and among the broadly conceived identities of artist/researcher/teacher. A/r/tography is inherently about self as artist/researcher/teacher yet it is also social when groups or communities of a/r/tographers come together to engage in shared inquiries, act as critical friends, articulate an evolution of research questions, and present their collective evocative/provocative works to others (see

This special issue of Visual Arts Research (VAR) invites original creative and scholarly inquiry that engages in critical debates and issues regarding a/r/tographical methodologies; are exemplars of critical approaches to a/r/tographical research; and/or extend the boundaries of inquiry-based research. Submissions can be either research papers of approximately 4,500 words including references, or ‘interludes’ which will appear as either images, poetry, scripts, or even url links to video and sound files. Images should be submitted at 300 DPI, approximately 4 inches by 5 inches in dimensions (or whatever dimensions are close), and TIFF or JPEG format. Research papers should follow APA submission guidelines. Interlude submissions should have a 250-word abstract/description that accompanies the art form. Please consult the VAR website for additional submission guidelines (

Deadline for submissions is October 21st, 2011. Submissions should be emailed as doc files (for paper submissions) or as TIFF or jpeg files to and All inquiries and submissions about this special issue of Visual Arts Research should be directed to the guest editors Rita L. Irwin and Anita Sinner.

Visual Arts Research, now in it’s 40th year, is published twice a year by the University of Illinois Press, through the Art Education Division at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. For information about subscriptions to VAR please see General questions about the journal may also be sent to the Editor, Elizabeth Delacruz,