"Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change" is the inaugural book in "The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice" series. The new text will be be published by Detselig/Temeron Books in 2010. Editor is Cheryl McLean, Publisher and Editor of The International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisc
iplinary Practice, IJCAIP, Asso
ciate Editor, Robert Kelly, Associate Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Calgary.
Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Pra
ctice, Inquiries for Hope and Change is a contemporary research text which will feature a comprehensive collection of informative and illustrative accounts from leading health researchers, social scientists, artists, therapists, nurse educators and professionals, stories of topical research along with dynamic examples demonstrating how the creative arts in many forms as inquiry and in action applied across disciplines can make a critical difference for individuals and society as a whole.”
What are a few of the general topic areas which are featured in the book?
- Arts and research in aging and health, caregiving, training
- Arts informed methods in CBR, Community Based Research
- Arts and research in work for social change
- Narrative methods in medical education
- Story used in healthcare education
- Performative methods in health raising awareness about lived experiences vulnerable populations
Summer at IJCAIP has been productive and we have received outstanding research based article chapters and submissions for "Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change" from leaders across Canada the USA, UK and Australia representing Education and The Fine Arts, Humanities, Medicine/Healthcare and the Social Sciences. This definitive text, among the first texts of its kind in this interdisciplinary field, will bring together an outstanding cross section of researchers and professionals sharing their experiences and knowledge, their inquiries and methods in compelling articles about the creative arts applied in research and interdisciplinary practice for hope and change. Visit the book blog: "Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change"
Info: CherylMcLean@ijcaip.com