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You are cordially invited to an art exhibition “The 7, 024th Patient”.
Location of exhibition:
DeGasperis Conservatory at Toronto General
Hospital, 585 University Avenue, 4th floor
This exhibition is a unique dissemination method based on research that explored patients' experiences of open-heart surgery and recovery. This exhibition embodies their lived experiences in an intimate landscape of poetry and photographic images. The research and creative team is composed of individuals from Ryerson University and Toronto General Hospital
including Dr. Jennifer Lapum, Dr. Terrence Yau, Dr. Kathryn Church,
Dr. Alison Matthews David and Perin Ruttonsha.
The exhibition is opened on Wednesday June 15, 2011 from
8:00am to 9:00pm with a reception, lecture and reading at 3:30pm. It is
also opened Thursday June 16 from 8:00am to 7:00pm. Come and see it
anytime and stay as long as you like.
This research dissemination project was supported by CIHR.
All are welcome to attend.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Jennifer Lapum Associate Professor, PhD, RN
Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing
Faculty of Community Services
Ryerson University
Toronto, Ontario
416-979-5000, ext. 6316