LLED, Language and Literacy Education
University of British Columbia
Areas of Research
Drama Education
Arts Education
Drama and Social Justice
Teacher Education
Canadian Drama
Ethnodrama, Performed Research
Drama and/in Second Language Learning
Current Research Projects
Exploring the Potential of Research-Based Theatre in the Field of Education: Humanities and Social Sciences Large Research Grant. Principal Investigator: George Belliveau.
Exploring the Transformational Potential of Arts-Based Research: Theory, Method and Practice: Canada Institute of Health Research. Principal Investigator: Katherine Boydell; Co-investigator: George Belliveau, Bill Leeming, Kate Tilleczek.
Arts-Based Methods in Health Research: Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. Principal Investigator: Sue Cox; Co-investigator: George Belliveau.
Becoming Pedagogical through A/r/tography in Teacher Education: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, May, 2008-May, 2011. Principal Investigator: Rita Irwin; Co-investigators: George Belliveau, Peter Gouzouasis, Carl Leggo, Donal O'Donoghue; Stepanie Springgay.
Addressing the Role of the Bystander through Drama in Bullying Situations: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, May, 2007-May, 2010. Principal Investigator: George Belliveau; Co-investigator: Shelley Hymel.
Assessing Ethnotheatre as a Form of Educational Research: Humanities and Social Science Small Research Grant. Mar, 2007-Apr, 2008. Principal Investigator: George Belliveau.
Say Peace: Vancouver Foundation, Nov, 2006-Jun, 2007. Principal Investigator: Heather Duff: George Belliveau (collaborator).
Refereed Journal Publications
Carter, M., Beare, D., Belliveau, G. & R. Irwin. (In Press). A/r/tography as pedagogy: A promise without guarantee. The Canadian Review of Art Education 38, 1-15.
Shira, A & Belliveau, G. (In Press). Discovering the role(s) of a drama researcher: Outsider, bystander, mysterious observer. Youth Theatre Journal 26(1).
Belliveau, G. (2012). Shakespeare and Literacy: A Case Study in a Primary Classroom. Journal of Social Sciences, 8(2), 170-177.
Beck, J., G. Belliveau, A. Wager & G.W. Lea. (2011). Delineating a spectrum of research-based theatre. Qualitative Inquiry, 17(8), 687-700.
Lea, G. W., G. Belliveau, J. Beck & A. Wager. (2011). A loud silence:weaving research-based theatre and a/r/tography. International Journal of Education and the Arts, 12(16). http://www.ijea.org/v12n16
MacKenzie, D. & G. Belliveau. (2011). The playwright in research-bases theatre. Canadian Journal of Practice-based Research, 3(1) http://cjprt.uwinnipeg.ca/index.php/cjprt/article/viewFile/30/19
MacKenzie, D., G. Belliveau, J. Beck, G.W. Lea, & A. Wager. (2011). Naming the Shadows: Theatre as Research. Canadian Journal of Practice-based Research, 3(1) http://cjprt.uwinnipeg.ca/index.php/cjprt/article/viewFile/29/18
White, V., & Belliveau, G. (2011). Multiple perspectives, loyalties and identities: Exploring intrapersonal spaces through research-based theatre. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 24(2), 227-238.
White, V., & Belliveau, G. (2010). Whose story is it anyway? Exploring ethical dilemmas in performed research. Performing Ethos International Research Journal, 1(1), 85-95.
Belliveau, George and Vince White. (2010). Performer and audience responses to ethnotheatre: Exploring conflict and social justice. ArtsPraxis Research Journal, 2, 22-36. http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/music/artspraxis/2/responses_to_ethnotheatre
Wager, Amanda, George Belliveau, Graham Lea and Jaime Beck. (2009). Exploring Drama as an Additional Language through research-based theatre. International Journal for Drama and Theatre in Foreign and Second Language Education, 3(2). http://publish.ucc.ie/scenario/2009/02/wagerbelliveau/04/en
Winters, Kari and Belliveau, George. (2009). Shifting identities and literacy: An a/rt/ographic examination of an educational theatre company. Language & Literacy, 11(1). http://www.langandlit.ualberta.ca/Spring2009/Winters.htm
Belliveau, George. (2009). Elementary students and Shakespeare: Inspiring community and learning. International Journal of the Arts in Society, 4(2), 1-8.
Belliveau, George. (2008). You didn't do anything: A research play on bullying. Educational Insights 12.2. http://ccfi.educ.ubc.ca/publication/insights/v12n02/articles/belliveau/index.html
Belliveau, George. (2008). Theatre and bullying: Increasing awareness about bullying and victimization. In S.Hymel, S. Swearer & P. Gillette (Eds.), Bullying at School and Online. http://www.education.com/reference/article/Ref_Theatre_Bullying/
Belliveau, George, Carmen Medina and Gus Weltsek. (2008). Reflective practices in drama teacher preparation. Theatre Research in Canada, 28(2), 130-143.
Gouzouasis, Peter, Julia Henry and George Belliveau. (2008). Turning points: A transitional story of grade seven music students’ participation in high school band programmes. Music Education Research, 10(1), 75-89.
Belliveau, George. (2007). An alternative model for teaching and learning. Canadian Journal of Education, 30(1), 47-67.
Belliveau, George, David Beare. (2007). Theatre for Positive Youth Development: A Model for Collaborative Play-Creating.Applied Theatre Researcher Vol. 7. http://www.griffith.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/52892/04-beare-belliveau-final.pdf
Belliveau, George with Josh Weale and Graham Lea. (2007). TheaterPEI: The emergence and development of a local theatre. Theatre Research in Canada, 26(1), 64-81.
Bournot-Trites, Monique, George Belliveau, Jérémie Séror, Valia Spiliotopoulos. (2007). The role of drama on cultural sensitivity, motivation and literacy in a second language context, Learning through the Arts Research Journal, 3.1.http://repositories.cdlib.org/clta/lta/vol3/iss1/art9
Belliveau, George. (2007). Ça bouge: Le théâtre de Moncton Sable. Theatre Research in Canada, 26(2), 114-129.
Belliveau, George. (2007). Dramatizing the data: An ethnodramatic exploration of a playbuilding process. Arts & Learning Research Journal, 23(1), 31-51.
Ryan, Dan, Jan Giles, George Belliveau and Elizabeth de Freitas. (2006). The effect of teaching style on learning and retention in a quantitative course. Active Learning in Higher Education, 7(3), 213 - 225.
Belliveau, George. (2006). Using drama to achieve social justice: Anti-bullying project in elementary schools. Universal Mosaic of Drama and Theatre - IDEA Publications, 5, 325 - 336.
Belliveau, George. (2006). Collective playbuilding: Using arts-based research to understand a social justice drama process in teacher education. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 7(5). http://ijea.org/v7n5/index.html
Belliveau, George. (2006). Performed research: Exploring an anti-bullying drama project in teacher education. Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Research Journal, June 2, 9-11.
Belliveau, George. (2005). An arts-based approach to teach social justice: Drama as a way to address bullying in schools. International Journal of Arts Education, 3, 136 - 165.
Belliveau, George. (2005). An arts-based approach to teach social justice: Drama as a way to address bullying in schools (Mandarin Translation). International Journal of Arts Education, 3, 166 - 189.
Belliveau, George. (2005). Mining and community: Using the arts as a way of knowing. English Quarterly, 37(1), 1 - 7.
Belliveau, George. (2004). Managing to keep going ... Drama Education on Prince Edward Island. Canadian Drama Mosaic, 26 - 29.
Belliveau, George. (2004). Exploring Acadian History using arts-based teaching. Port Acadie, 5, 25 - 38.
Belliveau, George. (2004). Pre-service teachers engage in Collective Drama. English Quarterly, 35(3), 1 - 6.
Belliveau, George. (2003). Daddy on trial: Sharon Pollock’s New Brunswick plays. Theatre Research in Canada, 22(2), 161 - 172.
Belliveau, George. (2003). Remembering our past: Investigating British Columbia's history in The Komagata Maru Incident and The Hope Slide. B.C. Studies, 137, 93 - 106.
Belliveau, George. (2003). Les Arts Dramatiques pour étudier la Déportation Acadienne en Immersion Française. Canadian Modern Language Review, 59(3), 441 - 453.
Belliveau, George. (2002). Glace Bay to Hollywood: A political journey. Theatre Research in Canada, 22(1), 46 - 57.
Refereed Books
Fels, Lynn and George Belliveau. (2008). Exploring curriculum: performative inquiry, role drama and learning. Vancouver, British Columbia: Pacific Education Press.
Refereed Book Chapters
Belliveau, G. (In Press). Engaging secondary students through drama. English in Middle and Secondary Classrooms: Creative and Critical Advice from Canada’s Teacher Educators. Eds. C. Leggo, K. James, T. Dobson. Pearson Educational Press.
Prendergast, M. & G. Belliveau. (In Press) Poetics and Performance. In A. Trainor & E. Graue (Eds.), Publishing qualitative research in the social science. Routledge Publishing.
Belliveau, G., & Lea, G. (2011) Research-based theatre in education. In S. Schonmann (Ed.), Key concepts in theatre drama education. Sense Publishers. (pp. 332-38)
Webber, T. (2), Belliveau, G., & Lea, G. (2). (2010). Hope and identity in the high school musical: Insights into the life of a hard of hearing student. In C. McLean & R. Kelly (Eds.), Creative arts in interdisciplinary practice, inquiries for hope and change (pp. 267-284). Temeron Books.
Belliveau, G., & Lea, G. (2). (2010). TheaterPEI: The emergence and development of a local theatre. In L. Burnett (Ed.), Theatre in Atlantic Canada: Critical perspectives on Canadian theatre in English (pp.146-159). Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press.
Belliveau, G., & Beare, D. (2008). Dialoguing scripted data. Being with A/r/tography. Ed. Stepanie Springgay, Rita Irwin, Carl Leggo and Peter Gouzouasis. Sense Publishers: 141-152.
Belliveau, G. (2002). Paul Ledoux' Anne: A journey from page to stage. Making Avonlea: L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture. Ed. Irene Gammel. U Toronto Press: 201 - 215.
Non-Refereed Journal Publications
Belliveau, George, Vince White. (2008). It’s elementary! Learning and building community through Shakespeare. Proceedings Hawaii International Conference on Education. (2008): 806-817.
Belliveau, George and Graham Lea. (2006). PEI's Victoria Playhouse: Looking back, looking forward. Canadian Theatre Review, 128, 26 - 31.
Belliveau, George. (2006). Liveness in the Okanagan: Caravan Farm Theatre. Canadian Theatre Review, 127, 85 - 86.
Belliveau, George. (2005). Drama in the Maritimes: Tides (plays) are strong. Canadian Theatre Review, 122, 90 - 94.
Belliveau, George. (2004). Struggle to success: Collective drama on Anti-Bullying. Canadian Theatre Review, 117, 42 - 44.