"The eighth annual international, interdisciplinary Advances in Qualitative Methods conference will be held at the Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada from September 21-24, 2007. Previous AQM conferences have attracted visitors from all continents, representing more than 30 countries overall, in academic disciplines including business, dentistry, education, geography, nursing, medicine, anthropology, information science, sociology and history.
We welcome you to participate in this conference, whether you come to present a paper or poster, attend a workshop, or come to hear the presenters and meet with like-minded researchers. AQM 2007 will prove to be a valuable learning and networking experience for all involved."
We welcome you to participate in this conference, whether you come to present a paper or poster, attend a workshop, or come to hear the presenters and meet with like-minded researchers. AQM 2007 will prove to be a valuable learning and networking experience for all involved."
Excerpt and info from: http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/iiqm/aqm2007.cfm
I note that one of the preconference events will feature Arthur W. Frank, University of Calgary, presenting "Letting Stories Breathe: A Workshop on Narrative Analysis."
According to information at the conference site the talk will focus on several questions;
According to information at the conference site the talk will focus on several questions;
What is a story, as opposed to non-story modes of representation and expression? What are stories uniquely equipped to do in the lives of persons, groups, and nations? Why do people need stories? What do stories do to people? What does narrative analysis study, and in particular, how do we practice a symmetrical analysis, that understands stories as actors acting upon other actors?
A good opportunity to visit Banff while exploring developments and advances in qualitative methods.
And, while on the topic of Banff Centre events, there will be a Playback Theatre presentation at the Banff Summer Arts Festival on August 19.
"The Dance of Life – Keeping Pace" Sunday, August 19, 7:30 p.m. , Laszlo Funtek Room 224
A Playback Theatre / Banff Leadership Arts Ensemble presentation that looks through the lens of dance to explore the principles and practices of how to slow down, reflect, and gain better focus in a world of rapid acceleration.
See Banff Summer Arts Festival events http://www.banffcentre.ca/bsaf/2007/
I may meet you at the mountains!