Sunday, July 22, 2007

Arts Based Research in Israel Focus of Upcoming Book

Call for papers for a book on Arts Based Research in Israel

The aim of this book is to bring together for the first time; the arts based research that is being undertaken at present in Israel, creating a vibrant new knowledge base that offers a valuable tool for researchers interested in expanding the depth and breadth of their data and methodology skills.

The book is based on the work of an on-going study group of researchers from different fields such as geography, arts therapies, social work, literature, arts, business, and sociology, who have met together for two years... using the arts within their research, as data, method, or final product.

We are looking for research proposals that address the arts within research, (movement, music, drama, and plastic arts). Our focus is not on arts as art products only, or on art as therapy, but on the use of art within different disciplines, and in innovative ways to enhance data gathering and presenting.
All proposals will be peer- reviewed, and accepted according to external judgment.
(NB: People interested in joining our arts based study group should write to or to to join our mailing list. )