Thursday, July 19, 2007

Faculty of Education and Social Work, Sydney Symposium on Applied Theatre

International Symposium on Applied Theatre: Engagement and Transformation

Call for Papers, October ll - 12, 2007

University of Sydney

Applied Theatre: Engagement and Transformation aims to stimulate debate and discussion about future developments in applied theatre, research and practice. The forum will provide an opportunity for practitioners, academics and policy makers to share their practice. The papers, workshops and presentations will examine the issues related to applied theatre and
the potential for this approach to transform and engage communities and individuals.

We invite presentations that reflect the following cross-cutting themes:

• Research methodologies and approaches in Applied Theatre
• Applied Theatre: transforming communities
• Applied Theatre in the workplace
• Theoretical understanding of Applied Theatre and Social Policy
• New methods and contexts for Applied Theatre
• Applied Theatre and Education: Continuities discontinuities
• Exploring further collaborative research opportunities (grants, publications).

The conference will run over two days and will feature a combination of keynote speakers,
workshops and presentations.

"Applied Theatre' is a portmanteau term for social interventions and policy directions informed by drama theory and theatre methodologies. The field has evolved and features theoretical and practical approaches informed by social work, sociology, juvenile justice, prisons and medicine (especially mental health). According to Ackroyd (2000) Applied Theatre practitioners ... share a belief in the power of the theatre form to address something beyond the form itself."
from the website at:

For more information about this conference see:

See our "Crossing Borders" posts on drama and research