Use of the Arts in Medical and Health Professional Education
Article Offers A Historical Context for Arts and Health in Canada
Pamela Brett-MacLean, Ph.D. (C) Co-Director, Arts and Humanities in Health and Medicine Program, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, recently published a comprehensive and concise historical overview of the use of the arts in medical and healthcare education in Canada in "The University of Alberta Health Sciences Journal", September, 2007, Volume 4 :
Reporting chronologically on the history of the arts and health and medical humanities education in Canada , while describing progressive programs in Canada currently underway, this article is highly recommended reading for anyone interested in the medical humanities and arts in action and practice in education, health and training in Canada and internationally.
Following the article there is a reference section which includes articles and resources and other examples of the use of arts in health professional education in the literary arts, visual arts, performing arts, music and film.
In the discussion section, CCAHTE, Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Journal, is reported as offering new interconnections between art, health and medicine in Canada.
The September issue of "The University of Alberta Health Science Journal" also published several other articles related to arts and health. You can access the complete issue free at:
Special congratulations to Pamela for starting a new column in The University of Alberta Health Sciences Journal called MUSA, "Arts Humanities in Health and Medicine"...
"This article has focused on the many ways in which artists and the arts contribute to education, as well as the life and culture in Canada. It underscores the expansive synergy that exists between the arts, culture, health and wellbeing. In doing so, this article underscores the need to broaden an understanding of the benefits of the arts beyond K-12 education, through to post-secondary educational experiences and in particular the education of health professionals."
P. Brett-MacLean