At the CCAHTE, Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education blog "Arts and Health Crossing Borders" we encourage our readers to share topical news about new projects underway and we are pleased to support scholars actively engaged in arts informed research. We recently heard from CCAHTE subscriber, Dr. Pauline Sameshima, with a call for submissions for the upcoming book "Revealing Red: Inspiring Responsive Research" a sequel to "Seeing Red: A Pedagogy of Parallax."
Pauline Sameshima is Assistant Professor at Washington State University. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia, an M.A. from San Diego State University, and a B.Ed. from the University of British Columbia. Dr. Sameshima publishes and presents in the field of education and is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Education and the Arts.
This announcement will be of special interest to Professors in Curriculum Studies, Teacher Education, Art Education, Cultural Studies, Gender and Feminist Studies, Artful Qualitative Research, Life-history Research, Language and Literacy Studies as well as graduate students.
A Call for Papers, Poetry and Art for an Audience Created Sequel to "Seeing Red"
"It is not possible to submit to this project without first reading the book, Seeing Red. "Seeing Red" http://www.cambriapress.com/cambriapress.cfm?template=4&bid=109 is made up of letters, poetry and art from a researcher-teacher graduate student, Julia, written to her advisor. The sequel reveals the letters written from the advisor back to Julia. Submissions will be letter responses to the first book....This edited collection of letters, poems, and art will demonstrate the methodology of arts-informed research and share provocative thinking that explains, contradicts, or expands issues raised in the prequel while providing an academic venue for writing truth, inspiring creativity, and allowing stories to be told."
Call for selected submissions from authors, poets, artists
Advance publication contract issued from Cambria Press.
Submission deadline: June 15, 2008
See below: sample chapter "Seeing Red"
Please send submissions to redsletters@cambriapress.com.