Thursday, May 1, 2008

Arts and Health Resource Listing, Death and Bereavement

Creative Responses to Death and Bereavement. A helpful resource listing.


Bertman, S. L., (1999), “Grief and the Healing Arts Creativity as Therapy” Baywood Publishing, New York.

Morgan, J.D., (2000), “Meeting the Needs of our Clients Creatively”, Baywood Publishing, New York.

Neimeyer, R. A. (2006), “Rainbow in the Stone”, Selected poems by Robert A. Neimeyer, Mercury Publishers, Memphis.

Morgan, J.D., (1997), “Readings in Thanatology”, Baywood Publishing, New York.

Literary Arts

Charon R. (2006), “Narrative Medicine: Honouring the Stories of Illness” New York Oxford University Press.

Horowitz HW. (1996), “Poetry on Rounds: A Model for the Integration of Humanities into Residency Training”, Lancet, 347, pg. 447- 449.

Leggo, C., (2007), “Living Poetically A Pensées on Literacy and Health,”Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Journal, Issue 6, Sept. pg. 3 - 12. (see Sept. 07 issue)

McNiff, S. (1992), “Art as Medicine: Creating a Therapy of the Imagination,” Shambhala Publications Inc.

Novosel, J. (2007), “The Death of My Young Husband from Cancer, A Love Story” (a personal story and autobiographical narrative), Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Journal, Issue 6, Sept. pg. 26 - 32. (See Sept. 07 issue)

Rappaport, M. (2006), “The Poetry of Practice”, Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Journal, Issue 3, Sept. pg. 3 (see Sept. 06 issue)

Serviss, S., Pointe, S. (2006), “The Artists-on-the Wards Program” Arts Programming Integral in Healthcare at University of Alberta Hospital, Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Journal, Issue 3, Sept. pg. 8 - 9 (see Sept. 06 issue)

Viva Davis Halifax, Nancy (2006), “Things that matter, Stories about Living with Colorectal Cancer” Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Journal, Issue 2, June, pg. 3 - 4. (see
June 06 issue.)

Visual Arts

Pope R. (1991), “Illness and Healing: Images of Cancer”, Lancelot Press.

Wikstrom B. M. (2001), “Works of Art: A Complement to Theoretical Knowledge When Teaching Nursing Care” Journal of Clinical Nursing, 10, pg. 25–32.

Drama in Health/ Education and Training

Crowshoe L, Bickford J, & Decottignies M. (2005). Interactive Drama: Teaching Aboriginal Health Medical Education. Medical Education, 39, pg. 521–522.

Gold, M. (2000), “Therapy Through Drama: The Fictional Family,” Charles C. Thomas Publishers.

Lewis, P., Johnson, D.R., (2000), “Current Approaches in Drama Therapy” Charles C. Thomas, Springfield.

Lorenz K.A., Steckart M. J., & Rosenfeld KE. (2004). End-of-life Education Using the Dramatic Arts: The Wit Educational Initiative. Academic Medicine, 79, pg. 481–486.

McLean, C. L. (2006), “Performing the Field,” (drama in research and therapeutic work in aging/ health, education and training, creating an ethnodrama based on field work), Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Journal, Issue l, March, pg. 3 - 5. (reports on this research here

McLean, C.L. (2005), “Remember Me for Birds” An Ethnodrama about Aging, Mental Health and Autonomy, script book published by Ravenquest Inc., Cochrane, Alberta/ also on DVD, inquire

Mitchell, G. (2006), “I’m Still Here!” A research based performance about living with dementia, Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Journal, Issue l, March, pg. 7 - 8. (see March 06 issue)

Nisker J. (2008), “Theatre as a health-policy research tool” in: Knowles JG, Cole AL. Handbook of the Arts in Qualitative Research: Perspectives, Methodologies, Examples, and Issues. Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications,

Saldana, J. (2005), “Ethnodrama an Anthology of Reality Theatre,” Alta Mira Press.

Shapiro J, & Hunt L. (2003). “All the World’s a Stage: The Use of Theatrical Performance in Medical Education” Medical Education, 37, pg. 922–927.


Blasco P. G., Moreto G. & Levites M. R. (2005). “Teaching Humanities Through Opera: Leading Medical Students to Reflective Attitudes” Family Medicine, 37, Pg. 18–20.

Cantelo, B. “Carry Me Home a Choreographed Film Portrayal of the Patient Moving from Fear to Security” (a dance project based on research in palliative care) Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Journal, Issue 3, pg. pg. 10 - 12. (see September 06 issue)

Hutcheon, M. Hutcheon, L. (2007), “Medicine in/as Culture: The Teachings of Opera” (giving voice to the drama of the suffering person) Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Journal, Issue 5, March, pg. 4 - 7. (see March 07 issue)

McLaren, C. (2007), “The Nurse’s Foot: A Phenomenological Exploration” (the story of the dancer as nurse), Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Journal, Issue 5, March, pg. 8 - 11.
(see March 07 issue.)


Shapiro J, Rucker L, & Beck J. (2006). Training the Clinical Eye and Mind: Using Films to Teach Nursing. Medical Education, 40, pg. 263–268.

WIT (2001), script by Margaret Edson / more info:


Levine M. (1999). “On the Humanities in Nursing” Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 30, pg. 213–217.

Mayne P. (2005, January 20). “Medicine and Dentistry Reveals Artistic Side” Western News. Retrieved from http:// story.html?listing_id=17297.

Newell G.C, & Hanes D. J. (2003). “Listening to Music: The Case for its Use in Teaching Medical Humanism” Academic Medicine 78, pg. 714–719.

Social Science/performance ethnography

Denzin, N.K. (2003), “Performance Ethnography a Critical Pedagogy and the Politics of Culture”, Sage Publications.

Organizations and websites:

Seasons of the Heart Bereavement Services Directory

Bereavement Ontario Network links

Arts Informed Research and Education

Artography, University of British Columbia

OISE, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

Arts in Humanities in Health and Medicine Program, University of Alberta

Dalhousie University Medical Humanities

Online accessible resources:

Arts and Health Crossing Borders BLOG
(over 200 posts on arts and health)

Literature Arts and Medicine BLOG

Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Journal

Youtube Videos Related to Arts and Health

Arts and Disability

Music Therapy
Oliver Sacks Musicophilia

Medicine and Literature
Vincent Lam interview, “Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures”

Visual Arts as Creative Response
Toby Jones, “Breast Cancer the Indestructible Bust and an Artist’s Tribute to his Mother”

Music in Medical Education
Music, Medicine and Arts, Longwood’s Symphony /

Dance in Conveying Suffering
Panic! (an example of the power of dance to convey suffering)