Focus on health and film, movement, rhythm, dance and sound
I would like to share with you today two contrasting Youtube Video clips (above) both on health themes.
Panic Portrayed in Brilliant and Unsettling Dance Performance
In the first unsettling clip (see above) panic is embodied and portrayed in this brilliant dance and film animation work by young 21 year old UK filmmaker Megan Kieran. Warning, you may want to "stop it" and so you should, this is how effective the dance is in conveying its message.
In the first unsettling clip (see above) panic is embodied and portrayed in this brilliant dance and film animation work by young 21 year old UK filmmaker Megan Kieran. Warning, you may want to "stop it" and so you should, this is how effective the dance is in conveying its message.
Choreographing the Physical Exam with Sound, Movement, Rhythm
The second video, PXDX , combines sounds and movements in a choreographed and rhythmic statement about the physical exam. PxDx (medical shorthand for "Physical Diagnosis"), a collaboration between medical students Mark Goldin and Dana Kotler, weaves the sounds and images of the physical exam with rhythm and choreography to create a unique performance of physical diagnosis in action. Score created by Mark Goldin, entirely using recorded sounds of the physical exam. Also starring Ari Gladstein and Evanthia Roussos. The physical exam in action, a serious subject about an important diagnostic process delivered with rhythmic style and more than a little humour. CM