There were a few days between entries, almost two weeks in fact, having just returned from a "singing" vacation in Maui, Hawaii. It seems I am still not quite landed as I find myself still standing in my dreams at the summit of the volcano Haleakala.

Back in the real world there are other views and vistas to inspire as I am filled with optimism reading about the many new projects currently underway in arts and health.
New Drama by Gail Schwartz About Realities of Anxiety and Depression
We recently received a note from dramatist Gail Schwartz of Vermont:
"I'm really looking forward to spending time at the site (blog "Arts and Health Crossing Borders) I've already enjoyed my visits there and am amazed and encouraged by how much work is happening in this field. I am currently touring my solo show, "Crazy," based on my experiences as a person diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I'm currently collaborating with VSA Arts of Vermont who received a grant to tour my piece with a community panel discussion and creative arts workshop as part of an anti-stigma campaign. We are completely immersed in the work and it's been incredible."
Gail Schwartz Creator of the One Woman Show"Crazy"
I asked Gail about her process developing the one woman show "Crazy" and she told me she began work in 2001 as part of her graduate studies.
"The preliminary creating was done without any final project in mind; I was dealing with my own crises through my artwork, a process that was brand new to me at the time (a suggestion from an advisor). Only later, once out of the crisis, did I begin to envision putting some of the pieces and stories together to create the show that is now "Crazy."
"I decided that I would commit to seeing this project through to its maturity, as long as it took to ripen and blossom. It is now 2008 and it is in its 30th draft. I feel the script is finished and I am starting to tour the piece on a larger scale. Through working on the stories, transforming my own struggles into art, as well as through sharing them as an activist and learning more about alternative ways of relating to my pain, I've found new ways of being that promote a positive sense of myself and encourage staying connected, both to myself and to the larger society and world. My current tour, a statewide tour of Vermont communities, produced by VSA Arts of Vermont and funded by the Vermont Community Foundation, is a manifestation of my transformation. "
"I am no longer out in the world doing my work alone; rather, I'm working in community, in collaboration with a team. What an amazingly wonderful change!"
Find out more about Gail Schwartz and her work in drama and health at: Third Story Window
Visit us again for more news updates at "Arts and Health Crossing Borders" with more posts to come about the arts in health, training and education.