a collaborative initiative to put forward and take action on the knowledge gained from eight arts-informed, community-based participatory research studies in Toronto. Help move our recommendations forward:
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
55 John Street, Toronto
A Day in the Life: Stories and Photographs of Health and Homelessness in Toronto
Coming Together: Homeless Women, Housing and Social Support
Count Us In! Inclusion and Homeless Women in Downtown East Toronto
Struggles, Strengths and Solutions: Exploring Food Security with Young Aboriginal Moms
These projects were conducted by peer researchers, community agencies and academics working with people with experiences of homelessness. Together, these works represent an important body of evidence on the lived experiences of homelessness.
The exhibit will be on display from Tuesday, September 30, 2008 to Friday, October 3, 2008. For more information, please contact Professor Izumi Sakamoto at (416)946-8224, or email: mailto:artsandhomelessnessresearch@gmail.com
Other links:
Article Centre for Applied Social Research, University of Toronto http://www.socialwork.utoronto.ca/index.php?section=495
Visit Nancy Viva Davis Halifax BLOG Anagraphia/Photography and Story http://anagraphia.blogspot.com/index.html