Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saldana to Conduct Ethnodrama and Arts Based Research Workshop at Fifth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry

Registration is underway for The Fifth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry to be held May 20 - 23, 2009 at The University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. I was pleased to see Johnny Saldana will be offering a workshop at the Congress this year "Ethnodrama and Ethnotheatre: Arts-Based Research from Page to Stage". Johnny Saldana is also a member of our CCAHTE
Journal (Canadian Creative Arts in Health, Training and Education Journal) Advisory Board.

(from the ICQI programme)

Workshop Title: Ethnodrama and Ethnotheatre: Arts-Based Research from Page to Stage

No prior theatre or performance experience is needed to participate in this workshop. Arts-based research, ethnodrama in particular, has been advocated by such key figures in qualitative inquiry as Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln as a powerful way for ethnography to recover yet interrogate the meanings of lived experiences. This workshop will introduce the fundamentals of dramatizing data and explore how qualitative research transfers "from page to stage." The session will provide a literature review of available ethnodramas with participants reading aloud informally from scripts (and, pending A/V availability, watching videos of ethnotheatrical performance). We will then explore how the participants' personal lived experiences can become "autoethnographic monologues." Participants will select a personal story as the basis for workshopping an informal retelling of that work to peers. The facilitator will guide each researcher-as-storyteller through the process of selecting necessary sensory details, choosing evocative language, and employing gesture and voice as instruments for dramatizing the data.

The deadline for submitting papers is past, however, registration for the Congress itself is ongoing. The Congress has some excellent presentations and workshops planned. A great opportunity to connect with others with like interests around the inspiring theme,

"Advancing Human Rights through Qualitative Inquiry"