We were pleased to receive news today about Jacqui Gringras, Ph.D, RD and her recently released book "Longing for Recognition", York, UK: Raw Nerve Books.
"Longing for Recognition offers a radical new way of understanding nutritional health practices. In contemporary food culture, the work of dietitians has accrued new and urgent meaning, and "Longing for Recognition" is addressed to that group of practitioners. The author, herself a dietitian, crafts an autoethnographic fiction that presents a critical and thought-provoking argument for a more self-reflexive, relational, and embodied profession. Her compelling narrative draws the reader into its timely call for rethinking what counts as knowledge in
dietetic education. "Longing for Recognition" will be invaluable for dietitians and other health care professionals who wish to enhance their practice as one that considers first and foremost what it means to be human."
Jacqui's progressive research engages autoethnographic, phenomenological and arts informed methods as a means for understanding dietetic theory, education and practice. She has also taught courses at Ryerson University School of Nutrition, among them, "The Art of Storytelling: Advances in Nutrition Counselling Practice." CM
Information about this book