Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Call for Photographs Ethnotheatre

A call for photographs from Johnny Saldana, Arizona State University

I am writing a new book for Left Coast Press titled Ethnotheatre: Research from Page to Stage. The manuscript is due summer 2011 with a tentative publication date in 2012.

The book covers playwriting and production methods for ethnotheatre (also known as performance ethnography and verbatim theatre), and provides references to the dramatic literature in the field (e.g., The Laramie Project, The Exonerated, Fires in the Mirror, etc.).

I am searching for 10 to 15 digital photographs of ethnotheatrical productions which can be featured in the book. I am unable to compensate contributors, but your work will be appropriately credited if it is selected for inclusion.

Please do NOT send me any photos now, but if you're interested in contributing or if you have any questions, please contact: Johnny.Saldana@asu.edu and request a copy of the digital photo submission guidelines (e.g., content, types of files, contrast requirements, cropping, permissions, etc.).


Johnny Saldaña,

Arizona State University