Friday, January 27, 2012

IJCAIP Supplementary Issue Programme Offers New Publishing Opportunities

Release: January 27, 2012

International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP

Paid Supplementary Edition Programme


Information about IJCAIP

IJCAIP, The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, , is an international open access web based journal with an Advisory Board comprised of leaders across disciplines. The journal does not charge fees for membership or journal access and is freely accessible at the IJCAIP Journal website, an international communications hub for information about the creative arts in research and interdisciplinary practice which includes recent IJCAIP Journal issues (full text) and archived back issues, as well as links to blogs/books and other information.

IJCAIP Dissemination/Worldwide Access

IJCAIP Journal is also accessible worldwide through our relationship with leading data bases and is potentially accessible to researchers, educators and students in over 15,000 libraries in 60 countries around the world including developing nations. IJCAIP Journal issues can also be accessed by researchers worldwide through the DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals, website at Lund University Libraries, which is considered the world’s recognized, quality controlled directory for international peer reviewed open access journals.

In addition, IJCAIP journal supports a by request subscriber membership list and newsletter which is received by subscribers approx. every 2 – 3 wks. and includes news, links to new research found at the IJCAIP Journal website, calls for papers and events. Subscribers who receive this information represent academics and researchers, educators and professionals, students and others across disciplines in the fields of health, education, fine arts and performance, social sciences, social services, design etc. all with particular interests in the creative arts applied in research, action and practice. Also among IJCAIP Journal subscribers are many editors and publishers representing other leading international peer reviewed journals.

IJCAIP’s New Paid Supplementary Issue Programme

IJCAIP receives many more submissions that it can practically process and publish in our peer reviewed issues of our journals or academic CAIP (Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP) text books. In response to the number of requests for publishing and the increasing demand for knowledge and information in the field, as well as to finance and sustain our ongoing journal operations, we have launched a new IJCAIP paid supplementary issue programme which will augment our regular IJCAIP journal issues beginning with the “Ethics in Arts Based Health Research” supplementary issue which is well underway and scheduled for publication Spring 2012.

The paid supplementary issue programme is run on a cost recovery basis and single or multiple papers can be submitted for consideration for an issue. A fee is charged if the paper is accepted for publication. Contact the publisher about this programme