Thursday, May 21, 2015

How do we work in hybrid ways to advance creative arts in interdisciplinary practice?

The upcoming articles in the Perspectives Section of The Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy edited by B. Stephen Carpenter II, and Jules Rochielle Sievert address how educational, artistic, creative and other cultural practices intersect.... how artists, curators, cultural workers, designers and educators activate what Homi K. Bhabha defined as a thirdspace, or a space created so that cross -disciplinary relationships and collaborations can flourish.
Below a few very brief excerpts from my article, "The Advancement of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice" which will be published in the Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Taylor and Francis, September 2015.

The Advancement of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice

Cheryl L. McLean (excerpts only)

My perspective on the creative arts in interdisciplinary practice (CAIP) has been shaped by a hybrid practice as a publisher, educator, writer, researcher and performer.  These pursuits have helped advance the field, creating a third space for interdisciplinary learning and knowledge exchange as well as a place for cross disciplinary dialogue and inquiry.
            As publisher of The International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice   and editor of the research texts Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change (McLean &Kelly, 2010), Creative Arts for Community and Cultural Change (McLean & Kelly, 2011),  and Creative Arts in Humane Medicine (McLean, 2014a), I have sought to promote the arts in interdisciplinary contexts while informing professionals across disciplinary borders about our methodologies. 

As arts educators and practitioners we can uniquely share our methods across disciplines and re-illuminate and embody lived experience through the visual arts or through hybrid forms such as social science and drama to help even the most experienced professionals see again in a new light fulfilling the mission of art as Kahlil Gibran  describes, "to bring out the unfamiliar from the most familiar."

  Many leading educators and practitioners have converged around our publishing projects and interests in CAIP.  Exchanging knowledge with leaders from varied interdisciplinary cultures is a rich and  creative third space for learning as we envision together new ways for our creative work to positively impact individuals and communities. 

More in the upcoming article September 2015.