Disciplined Inquiry: Education Research in the Circle of Knowledge "At a time when knowledge creation and use requires spanning boundaries between academic disciplines, education researchers can take pride in their long tradition of multi-disciplinary work. AERA's 2009 annual meeting will celebrate this tradition, and look ahead to assess new ways that education research and disciplinary inquiry might be more effectively integrated. The 2009 annual meeting will be an opportunity for renewed discussion and expansion of the role of education research as a hub of interdisciplinary scholarship. Special attention will be paid to proposals for papers and sessions that demonstrate the value of interdisciplinary research, the significance of multiple methodological perspectives, and interactions between education and its sister disciplines in the sciences and humanities."
For more information see
2009 ABER Dissertation Award at Masters and Doctoral Levels
The Arts Based Educational Research (ABER) special interest group for the American Educational Research Association (AERA) would like to announce its sponsorship of the ABER Outstanding Dissertation Award for the best Doctoral Dissertation that explores, is an exemplar of, and pushes the boundaries of arts based educational research. The award is intended for students who have graduated in the year preceding the award. One award will go to a Doctoral student.The winner will receive an "Outstanding Dissertation" award at the ABER business meeting at the 2009 AERA annual meeting. The winner will also be invited to present highlights from their dissertation at this meeting.

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