Creating Space Conference
Creating Space for Arts and Humanities in the Education of Health Professionals:
WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? A Canadian Perspective
Date & Time: Saturday May 7, 2011 @ 9am-5pm
Location: Mount Sinai Hospital, Department of Psychiatry
600 University Ave, 18th Floor Auditorium, Toronto, Ontario
Keynote Speakers: Drs. Alan Bleakley and Brian Goldman
This first annual Canadian conference on medical and health humanities is designed to take the pulse of our shared work and to bring together colleagues from multiple disciplines - the arts, social sciences and humanities, located in various settings (clinical, academic, artistic) - in order to share ideas, teaching/learning/evaluative strategies, and inquiry approaches - to further shape health professional education and healthcare in this country.
I want to remind our blog visitors about the "Creating Space" Conference to be held in Toronto May 7. Looks like it will be an excellent opportunity to hear about new perspectives in arts, humanities, health and education.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the conference! CM