Saturday, March 9, 2013

Book announcement

Public Health and Social Justice
by Martin Donohoe
Jossey Bass-Wiley, 2012

Martin T. Donohoe, MD, FACP is an adjunct associate professor in Community Health at Portland State University and  practices internal medicine, and is on the Social Justice Committee of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) and the Board of Advisors for Oregon PSR.  Donohoe has published extensively about public health issues and social justice in journals and books and at the blog Public Health and Social Justice.  He has also been  a featured contributor to The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP, Issue 8, October, 2009,"Stories and Society Using Literature to Teach Medical Students about Public Health and Social Justice."

Endorsements for the book Public Health and Social Justice

"Public Health and Social Justice, edited by Martin T. Donohoe M.D. is a volume that values inclusivity while advocating for a movement in public health that is respectful, caring and democratic and where education can play a major role. The book, as a whole, urges us to think critically about society and the state of our healthcare system presenting challenges while also offering constructive solutions. The considerable and extraordinary breadth and scope of this collection tackles head on some of the most critical public health and social issues of our times.  Donohoe has included several of his own contributions offering insights into public health and homelessness, health and welfare in the prison system, the epidemic of obesity, factory farms, genetically modified foods, health care and environmental degradation among others. In our challenging times this groundbreaking book  advocates for human rights and dignity for all, with research and examples provided by educators and professionals active in the field, a volume supported by evidence  that  educates while leaving readers with a sense of optimism and hope that through knowledge, empowerment and increased awareness change is possible."
Cheryl McLean  Publisher, Editor, International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice

" In this ambitious text, Dr. Martin Donohoe intertwines literature across disciplines and genres to demonstrate economic, political, and historical etiologies of diseases that are commonly—and fatally—misconstrued as purely biological in origin. Students and professionals will find this is a useful, accessible primer on the contentious social landscapes that distribute disease unequally within and across societies. Dr. Donohoe’s compilation unifies ostensibly distant corners of our broad discipline under the common pursuit of health as an achievable, non-negotiable human right. In this reader, Dr. Donohoe endeavors beyond analysis to impart his impassioned suggestions for moving closer to the vision of health equity to which he has dedicated his admirable career."
– Paul Farmer, MD, PhD, Kolokotrones University Professor and Chair, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School; and co-founder, Partners In Health

"This superb book is the best work yet concerning the relationships between public health and social justice. Martin Donohoe’s profound contributions to the field make him uniquely qualified as the book’s editor and as the author of several key chapters. Everyone concerned about justice in public health will find the book informative and inspirational."
Howard Waitzkin, MD, PhD, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of New Mexico

“Social justice provides the passion that fuels public health. Martin Donohoe’s book gives public health professionals, researchers and advocates the essential knowledge they need to capture the energy that social justice brings to our enterprise.”
Nicholas Freudenberg, DrPH, Distinguished Professor of Public Health at the City University of New York School of Public Health at Hunter College.

"I know of few people who have as passionate a commitment to such a broad range of social justice issues as does Martin Donohoe.  His personal concern for the human beings who suffer is always evident in his presentations at conferences, in his writing, and in the art with which he illustrates his points.  Martin’s chapters are not a theoretical view from afar but the perspective of a humanitarian practicing the art of personal medicine on a grand scale. The breadth of topics he has selected to include provide a strong overview of social justice in medicine and public health for readers new to the topic. For many long-time public health professionals, the book serves as a challenging reminder of the reasons they entered the profession. For all of us in public health, Martin’s book serves as a stimulus to stay true to our core mission: social justice."
William Wiist, DHSc, MPH, MS, Senior Scientist and Head of Office of Health & Society Studies, Interdisciplinary Health Policy Institute, Northern Arizona University

"Martin Donohoe, MD is a renaissance man in the modern era with an amazing knowledge of the social determinants of health and the role of physician as advocate. This book is a tremendous contribution to the literature of
social justice and public health and only Dr. Donohoe’s passion for open source material via his website and his dedication to finding solutions to these problems could have ultimately brought this compendium together. This
book will be utilized in many fields because of its breadth and depth."
Catherine Thomasson, MD, Executive Director, Physicians for Social Responsibility

“Finally, a book that wonderfully illustrates the connections between social justice and health that I can enthusiastically recommend to all health professionals who care about the fate of humanity, and to medical students who do not want to be the doctors overseeing our extinction.”
Patch Adams, Gesundheit Institute

“A compelling and provocative collection of essays that provides an in-depth examination and critical analysis of the impact that a health system founded on principles of equity and equal opportunity can have on society’s well-being. This book will serve as an essential reference for students, teachers and practitioners in the health and human services who are committed to social responsibility.”
Shafik Dharamsi, PhD, Faculty of Medicine and Liu Institute for Global Issues, Global Health Network, University of British Columbia

Chapter  Headings:

Human Rights, Social Justice, Economics, Poverty, and Health Care

PART Two  
Special Populations

PART Three  
Women's Health

PART Four    
Obesity, Tobacco, and Suicide by Firearms: The Modern Epidemics

PART Five  
Food: Safety, Security, and Disease

 PART Six 
Environmental Health

 PART Seven 
War and Violence

 PART Eight  
Corporations and Public Health

 PART Nine
 Achieving Social Justice in Health Care Through Education and Activism

For more information and a full table of contents visit the Public Health and  Social Justice website  
  Order the book at