Saturday, March 16, 2013

IJCAIP Newsletter March 15, 2013

We recently sent our newsletter to our subscribers at The International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP.  To subscribe free send an email to "Please subscribe"   Why subscribe?

International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP News, March 2013
Upcoming in 2013 Creative Arts in Humane Medicine a new book published by Brush Education
editor, Cheryl L. McLean
Creative Arts in Humane Medicine is a innovative  resource book for medical educators and learners about the arts in action in education, programming   contributing toward a more caring and empathic approach to medicine and practice. This is a topical collection which features leaders active in the field as well as new international innovators and provides examples and evidence showing how the creative arts can uniquely offer new ways to learn and practice while facilitating effective communication and creative opportunities to engage in mutually respectful practice and relationship centred care.
For articles about arts and medicine, video, podcasts, research, reports and more visit the blog and scroll down the sidebar, excellent source for  accessible info.