Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Elliot Eisner Award Recognizes Value of Research in Art Education

Call for Nominations!

The 2008 Elliot Eisner Doctoral Research Award in Art Education

The purpose of The Elliot Eisner Doctoral Research Award is to recognize the value of doctoral research to the profession of art education and its related disciplines, to advocate on behalf of such research, and to foster continued support of doctoral research in art education. Nominees for the award are limited to students who have completed and successfully defended doctoral dissertations in art education during the calendar year in which the award is advertised.
The award winner will be announced officially at the next National Art Education Association convention.
The nomination application must include all of the following:
  • a letter from the mentor/advisor or committee member
  • a nominee cover letter and a 1000 word dissertation abstract written by the nominee
  • a digital copy of the dissertation

The mentor/advisor nomination letter should discuss the significance of the doctoral student’s research to the profession and field of art education, and include evidence that the dissertation has been completed and successfully defended.

The cover letter and a 1000 word abstract of the doctoral research, both written by the doctoral student, should accompany the letter of nomination. All nomination materials should be submitted as a PDF e-mail attachments to the Elliot Eisner Doctoral Research Award review committee on or before January 1, 2009. The Executive Board of Seminar for Research in ArtEducation will appoint the review committee. Nominations are due on or before January 1, 2009.

The award review committee will evaluate all complete applications received by the nomination deadline and will announce the name of the award recipient in February 2009. The award recipient will be recognized during the annual Seminar for Research in Art Education sponsored“Marilyn Zurmuehlen Working Papers” session at the 2009 National Art Education Association convention.

(This notice is a summary only. Please contact below for full details.)

Questions about the award and application process should be directed to:B. Stephen Carpenter, II, President,Seminar for Research in Art Education bscarpenter@tamu.edu

The Elliot Eisner Doctoral Research Award is co-sponsored by the Seminar for Research in Art Education andVisual Arts Research.

"It is to the artistic to which we must turn, not as a rejection of the scientific, but because with both we can achieve binocular vision. Looking through one eye never did provide much depth of field."

Elliot W. Eisner, 1981, Stanford University from "On the Difference Between Scientific and Artistic Approaches to Qualitative Research" (p. 9)