Much has been written about the values of humour for health and healing. It has been suggested that laughter can be a significant factor in the healing process and in pain control. I recently received this note about Dr. Bernie Warren's upcoming event/workshops from Glenys McQueen Fuentes, Fine and Performing Arts at Brock. CM
Dear Cheryl,
First of all, as a subscriber (to CCAHTE Journal) I want to take the opportunity to send along many thanks for providing such a comprehensive and enlightening journal!! It is a needed and appreciated addition to both theory and practice!
Please find attached a poster (click poster for details) for an upcoming event that we are having at Brock University. As it says, on Friday, Sept. 12th, Dr. Bernie Warren, Director of the Drama in Education and Community Program at the University of Windsor, will give a lecture and extended talk-back on the history, theory and practice of Clown-Doctoring.
Bernie is also an expert in Eastern martial arts, and he will be giving two workshops in Qigong, a healing martial art form. One will be directed mainly at Dramatic Arts students from Brock, but the other, a sit-down stress-reliever, will be conducted for faculty, staff and students from across the university, as well as other interested participants.
More Info:
Glenys McQueen-FuentesAssociate Professor
Department of Dramatic Arts
School of Fine and Performing Arts
Brock University
email: gfuentes@brocku.ca