Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
The second international arts-based educational research conference
This conference provides a bi-annual focus for the blurring of genres between arts and social science research, arts-based research as an inclusive and participatory form of inquiry and arts-based methods of disseminating educational and human science research. This year the conference coincides with and pays particular tribute to the 2007 celebrations and commemorations of the abolition of slavery within the UK and the 40th St Paul's Carnival in Bristol (July 7th).
Peter Clough, Liverpool Hope University, author of ‘Narratives and Fictions in Educational Research’ and Andrew Sparkes of the University of Exeter, author of ‘Telling tales in sport and physical activity’ in conversation about writing as a form of inquiry
Yvonne Sliep, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, author of ‘Narrative theatre for social action’ and Casper MBatha of the Narrative Theatre Group will be presenting and performing their work.
Salome Raheim, University of Iowa, USA will be presenting a singing keynote, an African-American journey from the times of slavery to the present day
Martin Hughes, Wan Ching Yee and Theatr Iolo, delivering a performance/ presentation of 'Ready or Not?', using drama to increase the impact of the
Home School Knowledge Exchange Project
Rita Irwin, Gu Xiong, Kathryn Ricketts, University of British Columbia, Ruth Beer, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design and Pauline Sameshima, Washington State University on behalf of the A/r/tography research group exhibiting/ presenting work in progress from the 'city of richgate' project
Jane Speedy, University of Bristol (Plus the 'unassuming geeks' project) and Libby Worth (plus Physical theatre postgraduate students) , Royal Holloway, University of London presenting work in progress 'moving with the data'.
Excerpts from website: http://www.bris.ac.uk/education/research/centres/central/abrc
For information about this conference E-mail educ-aber@bristol.ac.uk