Some have called the growing interest in qualitative research today a revolution. We are seeing this progressive work increasingly applied in education as well
as in health by educators, nurses and social work educators, in mental health and in participatory work for social change.
CCAHTE Journal frequently features contributions from leading educators and researchers engaged in qualitative research actively involved in projects related to education, health and humanities. Among qualitative researchers are those using arts influenced methodologies to help raise awareness about true stories and lived experiences in the context of environment while opening the way for social change or changes in health policy.
as in health by educators, nurses and social work educators, in mental health and in participatory work for social change.
CCAHTE Journal frequently features contributions from leading educators and researchers engaged in qualitative research actively involved in projects related to education, health and humanities. Among qualitative researchers are those using arts influenced methodologies to help raise awareness about true stories and lived experiences in the context of environment while opening the way for social change or changes in health policy.
In our work in arts, research, health, training and education many of our projects involve some form of qualitative research (narrative approaches, phenomenology, autoethnography). Many researchers will have access to a reference copy of "The Handbook of Qualitative Research" by Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln..a book that is accessible as well as informative and includes contributions covering a range of approaches and methods in field work, data collection and assessment.
"Qualitative research is a field of inquiry in its own right. It crosscuts disciplines, fields and subject matter...
Qualitative research, as a set of interpretive practices, privileges no single methodology over any other. As a site of discussion, or discourse, qualitative research is difficult to define clearly.
...multiple theoretical paradigms claim use of qualitative research methods and strategies from constructivism to cultural studies, feminism, Marxism and ethnic models of study. "
(Pg. 3 introduction/ Handbook of Qualitative Research)
"In discipline after discipline, old models, methods and theories of research have been supplanted or supplemented by new paradigms, strategies and techniques based on
naturalistic study of people in their social and culture environment. The Handbook
of Qualitative Research is the first attempt to synthesize the vast world of activity.
.....Contributors to this authoritative volume represent disciplines as diverse as sociology and education, medicine and communication, anthropology and policy studies and come
from three continents."
From Handbook of Qualitative Research,
Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln, editors
Sage Publications
"The Handbook of Qualitative Research" an excellent reference book for students as well as seasoned "explorers".