More Program News...Humanities and Medicine
The Arts and Humanities in Health and Medicine
Program at the University of Alberta is directed
to engendering a balance of scientific knowledge and
compassionate care among students, residents and faculty.
It is aimed at fostering the development of well-rounded,
health professionals who are skilled, reflexive and caring
practitioners. It is also aimed at extending and enriching
learning opportunities for students and faculty
across the university, as well as those in the Edmonton
community regarding intersections between the arts,
humanities, health and medicine. These have included
such initiatives as the Art in Medicine Club, History
of Medicine Club, International Health and History
of Medicine student groups, Music Makes Good
Medicine, “Hear’s to Your Health” Concert
Series and the Syncope Jazz Band, among others.
The Art in Medicine Club was initiated at
the University of Alberta in order to complement
the trend toward patient-centered care.
By fusing medicine with artistic expression,
the project provides medical students with the
opportunity to step away from the clinical aspects
of disease, and to focus on its human facets. The
program has resulted in works of art, which
have been created with the intention of conveying
a greater understanding and empathy for individuals
living with schizophrenia.
Find out more about The Arts and Humanities in
Health and Medicine Program University of Alberta at
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Subscribe free to the CCAHTE Journal at ccahte@cmclean.com
and access more information about this program in our September 06
CCAHTE Journal issue "The Poetry of Practice" Pg. 6 - 7.