This just in from Florida State University,
Cyborg Science and Virtual Materialities in Literature and Film
January 31 - February 3, 2008Florida State University Film and Literature Conference
"C.P. Snow, in 1959, wrote The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution, which discussed the increasing gulf between the sciences and the humanities. In 1971, he added a revision, to include a "third culture": technology. Long ago as it seems, Snow set up the parameters for contemporary ways of imagining the differences between a "science" and an "art," and the "objective" versus "subjective" debates that are so prevalent of modernist and poststructuralist paradigms. The 2008 FSU Film and Literature Conference is an attempt to return the issues raised by Snow, and to attempt to explore ways of "translating" across the gulf of these cultures, and thus perhaps generating new, and more productive ways of dealing with the issue of what is "objective" versus what is "subjective." There are actually more commonalities across the first two cultures that can be pointed out: scientists often talk about the "elegance" and simplicity of theories that "work;" and artists often talk of some source of "discipline" or rigor in some shape, whether that be called "form," or "line," for example. We would welcome any papers, discussion panels, perhaps even art installations or performance pieces that address these issues, of the translatability (or interconnections) between the sciences and the arts. "
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